The company treats all shareholders fairly and equitably in order to enable them to exercise shareholders’ rights and have the opportunity to communicate their views on matters affecting the company. The company gives shareholders a balanced and understandable assessment of its performance, position and prospects.
The Company believes in treating all shareholders fairly and equitably. It is committed to keeping all its shareholders and other stakeholders informed, in a timely and consistent manner, of its corporate activities, including changes (if any) in the Company or its businesses which are likely to materially affect the price or value of its shares or are likely to influence persons who commonly invest in securities in deciding whether or not to subscribe for, or buy or sell its shares, in a timely and consistent manner.
Conduct of Shareholder Meetings
The Board supports and encourages active shareholder participation at AGMs as it believes that general meetings serve as an opportune forum for shareholders to meet the Board and senior management, and to interact with them. Shareholders of F&N are given the opportunity to participate effectively and vote at general meetings of the Company, where relevant rules and procedures governing such meetings (for instance, how to vote) are clearly communicated prior to the start of the meeting.
The Company generally provides shareholders with longer than the minimum notice period required for the conduct of general meetings and the Company tries its best not to schedule its AGMs during peak periods which may coincide with the AGMs of other listed companies. A copy of the Notice of AGM is sent to all shareholders. Shareholders are also informed of general meetings through notices published in the newspapers and via SGXNet.
If any shareholder is unable to participate at the meeting, such shareholders are able to appoint proxies to vote on their behalf at general meetings through proxy forms submitted in advance. The Company’s Constitution allows (i) each shareholder who is not a relevant intermediary (as defined in the Companies Act) the right to appoint up to two proxies and (ii) each shareholder who is a relevant intermediary to appoint more than two proxies to attend and vote on their behalf at general meetings.
At general meetings, the Company sets out separate resolutions on each substantially separate issue unless the issues are interdependent and linked so as to form one significant proposal. In the event resolutions are “bundled”, the Company explains the reasons and material implications for doing so in the notice calling for the general meeting. Shareholders are given the opportunity to raise questions and clarify any issues that they may have relating to the resolutions to be passed.
At the AGM, a presentation by Management is made to shareholders to update on the Company’s performance, position and prospects. The presentation materials are made available on SGXNet and the Company’s website for the benefit of shareholders.
Board members and senior management are present at each shareholders’ meeting to respond to questions from shareholders. In general, all Directors are expected to attend general meetings of shareholders, unless they are unable to attend due to exigencies. The Company’s independent auditor is also present to address queries about the conduct of audit and the preparation and content of the independent auditor’s report.
Provision 11.4 of the Code provides for a company’s constitution to allow for absentia voting at general meetings of shareholders. F&N’s Constitution currently does not, however, permit shareholders to vote at general meetings in absentia (such as via mail, email or fax) for security, integrity and related considerations. Notwithstanding the deviation from Provision 11.4, in line with Principle 11 of the Code, all shareholders nevertheless have the opportunity to participate effectively and communicate their views on matters affecting the Company even when they are not in attendance at general meetings. In addition to allowing for the appointment of proxies to vote on their behalf, shareholders are also invited to submit questions they may have on the motions to be debated and decided upon. Responses to all substantial and relevant questions submitted by shareholders within the deadline set prior to the meetings are uploaded to SGXNet and the Company’s website prior to the meeting. In addition, the Company will respond to substantial and relevant questions or follow-up questions submitted after the deadline either within a reasonable timeframe before the AGM or at the AGM itself.
For greater transparency, F&N has implemented electronic poll at its AGMs where shareholders are invited to vote on each of the resolutions by poll, using an electronic voting system (instead of voting by hand). This allows all shareholders present or represented at the meeting to vote on a one share, one vote basis. The voting results of all votes cast for, or against, each resolution is then presented at the meeting and announced on SGXNet after the meeting. An independent external party is appointed as scrutineer for the electronic voting process to verify the count and validate the votes at general meetings.
The Company prepares and uploads the minutes of general meetings on the Company’s website and on SGXNet within one month from the date of the general meeting. Such minutes capture (a) the attendance of Board members at general meetings, (b) matters approved by shareholders, (c) voting results and (d) substantial and relevant comments or queries from shareholders relating to the agenda of the general meeting, and responses from the Board and Management, which are addressed at the AGM.
2021 AGM
In view of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2021 AGM was convened and held by way of electronic means on 21 January 2021, pursuant to the COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) (Alternative Arrangements for Meetings for Companies, Variable Capital Companies, Business Trusts, Unit Trusts and Debenture Holders) Order 2020 (the “COVID-19 Temporary Measures Order”). The alternative arrangements put in place for the conduct of the 2021 AGM included (i) attendance at the AGM via electronic means (including arrangements by which the meeting can be electronically accessed via live audio-visual webcast or live audio-only stream), (ii) submission of questions to the Chairman of the meeting in advance of the AGM, and (iii) voting at the AGM by appointing the Chairman of the Meeting as proxy.
2022 AGM
In view of the ongoing COVID-19 situation in Singapore, the 2022 AGM was convened and held by way of electronic means on 18 January 2022, pursuant to the COVID-19 Temporary Measures Order. The same alternative arrangements for the AGM will be put in place as last year except that this year, Shareholders will additionally be able to (i) submit questions to the Chairman of the Meeting “live” at the AGM, and (ii) vote at the AGM “live” by electronic means or by appointing a proxy(ies) (other than the Chairman of the Meeting) to vote on their behalf.
2023 AGM
The 2023 AGM was held in a wholly physical format pursuant to the COVID-19 Temporary Measures Order, and there will be no option for shareholders to participate virtually. Shareholders may participate in the AGM by (i) attending the AGM in person; (ii) submitting questions to the Chairman of the meeting in advance of or at. The AGM and/or (iii) voting at the AGM themselves or through duly appointed proxy(ies).
Electronic Poll Voting
For greater transparency, F&N has implemented electronic poll voting since its 2010 Annual General Meeting ("AGM"). This entails Shareholders being invited to vote on each of the resolutions by poll, using an electronic voting system (instead of voting by hands), thereby allowing all Shareholders present or represented at the meeting to vote on a one share, one vote basis. The voting results of all votes cast for, or against, each resolution are then screened at the meeting and announced to the SGX-ST after the meeting. The Company will continue to use the electronic poll voting system at the forthcoming AGM.