The Board oversees the conduct of the Group’s affairs and is accountable to shareholders for the long-term performance and success of Group.
In this regard, the Board sets the long-term strategy and direction of the Group which includes focusing on value creation, innovation, and sustainability.
The Board determines the Group’s approach to corporate governance and sets an appropriate tone-from-the-top in respect of good principles of ethics, values and organisational culture.
The Board also works closely with Management to ensure that necessary resources are in place for the Company to meet its strategic objectives. Specifically, the Board:
- reviews annual budgets, financial plans, major acquisitions and divestments, funding and investment proposals;
- monitors the financial performance of the Group;
- oversees processes for evaluating the adequacy of internal controls, risk management, financial reporting and compliance;
- holds Management accountable for performance by constructively challenging Management and reviewing performance;
- considers sustainability issues such as environmental and social factors as part of its strategic formulation; and
- ensures compliance by the Group with relevant laws and regulations.
The Directors of the Company are fiduciaries who exercise independent objective judgement and make decisions in the best interests of the Company. All Directors have direct and independent access to key management personnel and senior management.
Through the Group’s enterprise-wide risk management (“ERM”) framework, the Board maintains a sound risk management process to effectively monitor and manage risks with a view to achieving an appropriate balance between risks and company performance. Further details on the issues reviewed by the Board can be found in the ERM Report on pages 66 to 68 of this Annual Report and the Company’s Sustainability Report 2024 which can be downloaded at
During FY2024, all Directors participated in a two-day Board Summit that provided a platform to deepen their understanding of key strategic areas vital to the Group’s long-term sustainability and resilience. The discussions covered critical topics, including sustainability and risk management, cybersecurity, and climate transition, along with the development of plans to address these emerging challenges. This Summit allowed the Board to engage in forward-looking discussions to further strengthen the Group’s ability to navigate its evolving business environment.
During FY2024, the Board worked closely with Management to evaluate new business opportunities while navigating challenges related to foreign exchange volatility, inflationary pressures, and cost management. The Board remained engaged in reviewing the financial impacts of these macroeconomic factors and supported efforts to manage costs effectively, ensuring the Group’s resilience and competitiveness in an evolving market environment.
Board of Directors
As at 30 September 2024, the Board comprises 9 Directors, all of whom are non-executive Directors. They are:
- Mr Charoen Sirivadhanabhakdi (Chairman)
- Mr Ng Tat Pun (Lead Independent Director)
- Mr Chan Heng Wing
- Mr Charles Mak Ming Ying
- Dr Sujittra Sombuntham
- Suong Dao Nguyen
- Mr Koh Poh Tiong
- Mr Thapana Sirivadhanabhakdi
- Mr Sithichai Chaikriangkrai
The Board has also approved the appointment of the following alternate Directors:
- Mr Michael Chye Hin Fah (Alternate Director to Mr Koh Poh Tiong)
- Mr Kosit Suksingha (Alternate Director to Thapana Sirivadhanabhakdi)
- Mr Prapakon Thongtheppairot (Alternate Director to Mr Sithichai Chaikriangkrai)
Delegation of Authority
The Board has formed and has delegated authority to five board committees (each, the “Board Committee” and collectively, the “Board Committees”) which oversee specific areas for greater efficiency. The Board Committees are: the Board Executive Committee (“Board Exco”), the Audit Committee (“AC”), the Nominating Committee (“ ”), the Remuneration Committee (“RC”) and the Sustainability and Risk Management Committee (“SRMC”).
Each Board Committee is governed by clear written terms of reference (the “Terms of Reference”) which set out the composition, authority and duties of each committee including reporting back to the Board. The Terms of Reference have been approved by the Board and the determination, amendment or alteration of the Terms of Reference of any Board Committee is a matter reserved for the Board’s approval.
Minutes of all Board Committee meetings are circulated to the Board so that the Directors are aware of and kept updated as to the proceedings and matters discussed during such meetings.
The Company also adopts a framework of delegated authorisations in its Manual of Authority (“MOA”). The MOA, which is approved by the Board, defines the procedures and levels of authorisation required for specified transactions. It also sets out approval limits for operating and capital expenditure as well as acquisitions and disposals of assets and investments. The MOA is clearly communicated to Management in writing.
In order to facilitate the Board’s exercise of its leadership and oversight of the Group, the MOA contains a schedule of matters specifically reserved for approval by the Board. These include approval of (i) any transaction for the acquisition or disposal of assets that is material to the Company; (ii) acceptance of all banking and credit facilities; and (iii) annual capital and annual operating budgets.
The MOA delegates authority for approval of transactions below certain limits to the Board Exco, beyond which the approval of the Board needs to be obtained. Below the Board and Board Exco levels, appropriate delegation of authority and approval sub-limits are set at Management level, to facilitate day to day operations of the Group’s business.
Conflicts of Interest
To address and manage possible conflicts of interest that may arise between Directors’ interests and those of the Group, the Company has put in place appropriate procedures which apply in addition to the Directors’ obligation to comply with disclosure obligations under the Company’s Constitution and the Companies Act 1967 (the “Companies Act”). Directors are required to promptly declare any conflict of interest at a meeting of the Directors or by written notification to the company secretary (the “Company Secretary”) and they are required to take such action as is necessary to effectively resolve the conflict (for instance recusing themselves by refraining from participating in meetings or discussions (or relevant segments thereof) and by abstaining from voting, on any matter in which they are interested or conflicted).
Board Executive Committee
The Board Exco assists the Board in formulating strategic development initiatives of the Group, provides direction for new investments and material financial and non-financial matters to ensure that the Group achieves its desired performance objectives and enhances long-term shareholder value. The Board Exco assists the Board in overseeing the Group’s conduct and corporate governance structure and in enhancing business strategies which contribute towards the strengthening of core competencies of the Group. The Board Exco reviews and approves corporate decisions, such as capital investments, and acquisitions, investments and divestments (other than those which are material to the Company requiring Board approval). The Board Exco also reviews and
approves or recommends, as appropriate, the succession plans in respect of senior management of the Company.
As at 30 September 2024, the Board Exco is made up of the following members:
- Mr Koh Poh Tiong (Chairman)
- Mr Thapana Sirivadhanabhakdi (Vice-Chairman)
- Mr Sithichai Chaikriangkrai (Member)
- Mr Michael Chye Hin Fah (Member)
- Mr Kosit Suksingha (Member)
- Mr Prapakon Thongtheppairot (Member)
Meetings of the Board and Board Committees
The Board and its various Board Committees meet regularly, and also as required by business needs or if their members deem it necessary or appropriate to do so. Directors attend and actively participate in Board and Board Committee meetings. For the financial year ended 30 September 2024, the Board met five times. A table showing the attendance record of the directors at meetings of the Board and Board Committees as well as at the general meeting of shareholders during the financial year ended 30 September 2024 can be found here.
The Directors are also given direct access to the management team of the Group’s business divisions1 through presentations at Board and Board Committee meetings. Where required or requested by Board members, site visits and meetings with personnel from the Group’s business divisions are also arranged in order for Directors to have an intimate understanding of the key business operations of each division. The Company’s Constitution provides for Board members who are unable to attend physical meetings to participate through telephone conference, video conference or any other forms of electronic or instantaneous communication facilities.
For FY2024, the Board met five times.
1 The Group’s business divisions are as follows: Food & Beverage (Non-Alcoholic Beverages), Food & Beverage (Beer) and Publishing & Printing.
Orientation and Training for Directors
The Nominating Committee (“NC”) is tasked with reviewing and making recommendations to the Board on matters relating to training and professional development programmes for the Board and its Directors. The NC also has overall oversight to ensure that new Directors understand the Group’s business and are aware of their duties and obligations.
Upon appointment, each new Director is issued a formal letter of appointment setting out his or her roles, duties, responsibilities, and obligations as a Director of the Company, including his or her responsibilities as fiduciaries and how to deal with conflicts of interest that may arise. A comprehensive induction and orientation programme is also conducted to familiarise new appointees with the business activities, strategic directions, policies and corporate governance practices of the Group as well as their statutory and
other duties and responsibilities as Directors. This programme allows new Directors to get acquainted with the Chief Executive Officer of the Company as well as the chief executive officers and senior management of each of the Group’s business divisions. The orientation programme also facilitates and fosters better rapport and communication with management.
Unless the NC is of the view that training is not required because a Director has other relevant experience, any new Director appointed to the Board, who has no prior experience as a director of an issuer listed on the SGX-ST, must undergo mandatory training in his or her roles and responsibilities as prescribed by the SGX-ST.
Our Directors are regularly updated on the Group’s businesses and the regulatory and industry-specific environments in which the entities of the Group operate. Updates on relevant legal, regulatory and technical developments and good corporate governance may be in writing or disseminated by way of briefings, presentations and/or handouts. The Board is also regularly updated on developments in accounting principles and financial reporting standards and on the latest key changes to any applicable legislation and changes to the listing manual of the SGX-ST (the “SGX-ST Listing Manual”). These updates are given by way of briefings held by the Company’s lawyers and auditors.
During FY2024, the Directors attended briefings on, among others, (i) updates to the SGX-ST Listing Manual and (ii) sustainability and ESG reporting conducted by the Company’s lawyers. Members of the AC and SRMC also attended a briefing regarding directors’ duties on workplace safety and health.
Pursuant to Listing Rule 720(7) of the SGX-ST Listing Manual, all of the Directors in office as at the end of FY2024 have completed the required training on sustainability matters as prescribed by the SGX-ST.
To ensure that Directors have the opportunities to develop their skills and knowledge and to continually improve performance of the Board, all Directors are encouraged by the Company to undergo continual professional development at the Company’s expense, during the term of their appointment. Directors are also encouraged to be members of the Singapore Institute of Directors (“SID”) and to receive updates and training from SID in order to stay abreast of relevant developments in financial, legal and regulatory requirements. The Company Secretary supports professional development of Directors by identifying and keeping the Board informed of relevant courses and training offered by SID.
Access to Information
The Company recognises the importance of providing the Board with complete, accurate and relevant information on a timely basis. This is to give the Board and Board Committees sufficient time to critically evaluate and consider issues relevant to the Company and its businesses and operations. This also allows our Directors to effectively carry out their duties and discharge their oversight function. In particular, management provides the Board with detailed Board papers specifying relevant information and commercial rationale for each proposal for which Board approval is sought. Such information includes relevant financial statements, management accounts, financial forecasts, risk analyses and assessments, mitigation strategies, feasibility studies and key commercial issues for the Board’s attention and consideration. Reports on major operational matters, business development activities, financial performance, potential investment opportunities and budgets are also circulated to the Board.
A calendar of activities is scheduled for the Board a year in advance. The Company recognises that information should be supplied to the Board in a timely manner and as far as possible, Board papers and agenda items are dispatched to the Directors about a week before scheduled meetings. This is to give Directors sufficient time to review and consider the matters being tabled and/or discussed so that discussions can be more meaningful and productive. Senior management is requested to attend meetings of the Board and the Board Committees in order to provide input and insight into matters being discussed, and to respond to any queries that the Directors may have.
The Board also has separate and independent access to the Company’s management and the Company Secretary.
Conflicts of Interest
The Board has put in place clear procedures to address and manage possible conflicts of interest that may arise between Directors’ interests and those of the Group. The procedures which the Company has put in place apply in addition to the Directors’ obligation to comply with disclosure obligations under the Company’s Constitution and the Companies Act 1967 (the “Companies Act”).
In the event of any conflict of interest, in addition to complying with disclosure obligations under the Company’s Constitution and the Companies Act, Directors are required to promptly declare any conflict of interest at a meeting of the Directors or by way of written notification to the Company Secretary. The Directors are required to take such action as is necessary to effectively resolve the conflict by, for example, recusing themselves and refraining from participating in meetings or discussions (or relevant segments thereof) and abstaining from voting, on any matter in which they are interested or conflicted.
The Company Secretary
The Board is supported by the Company Secretary, who is legally trained and familiar with company secretarial practices. The Company Secretary is responsible for administering and executing Board and Board Committee procedures, in compliance with the Company’s Constitution and applicable laws. The Company Secretary also provides advice and guidance on relevant rules and regulations, including disclosure requirements under the Securities and Futures Act 2001 (the “SFA”), the Companies Act and the SGX-ST Listing Manual, as well as corporate governance practices and processes.
The Company Secretary attends all Board and Board Committee meetings and reviews the minutes of proceedings.
The Company Secretary also facilitates and acts as a channel of communication to ensure good information flow within the Board and its various Board Committees, as well as between and with senior management. The Directors have separate and independent access to the Company Secretary whose responsibilities include supporting and advising the Board on corporate and administrative matters.
In addition, the Company Secretary solicits and consolidates Directors’ feedback and evaluations from time to time, and arranges for and facilitates orientation programmes for new Directors and assists with their professional development as required.
The Company Secretary is the Company’s primary channel of communication with the SGX-ST.
The appointment and removal of the Company Secretary is subject to the approval of the Board.