The RC reviews and makes recommendations to the Board on the remuneration framework for independent Directors and other non-executive Directors, the Chief Executive Officer of the Company and other key management personnel of the Group. The remuneration framework is endorsed by the Board.
In recommending the level and mix of remuneration, the RC seeks to build, motivate and retain Directors to provide good stewardship of the Company and for key management personnel to successfully manage the Company for the long term.
The RC ensures that competitive remuneration policies and practices are in place to draw and motivate high-performing executives so as to drive the Group’s businesses to greater growth, efficiency and profitability. In its deliberation, the RC also takes into consideration industry practices and benchmarks against relevant industry players to ensure that its remuneration and employment conditions are competitive.
The Company’s compensation framework comprises fixed remuneration, annual variable bonuses and long-term incentives.
Annual variable bonuses are linked to achievement of financial and non-financial key performance indicators. The Company also uses indicators such as core values, key performance indicators, performance rating, and potential of the employees (including key management personnel) to link a significant and appropriate proportion of remuneration to corporate and individual performance.
Long-term incentive plans are in place and are conditional upon pre-determined performance targets being met. The performance measures and long-term incentive plans serve to motivate and reward employees and align their interests with those of shareholders and other stakeholders, as well as to maximise long-term shareholder value.
Long-Term Incentive Plans
The RC administers the Company’s share-based remuneration incentive plans. The F&N Restricted Share Plan 2019 (“F&N RSP 2019”) was adopted by the Company at the AGM of the Company held on 29 January 2019.
The F&N RSP 2019 seeks to foster a greater ownership culture within the Group by aligning more directly the interests of key senior management and senior executives with the interest of shareholders, and for such employees to participate and share in the Group’s long-term growth and success.
The primary objectives of the F&N RSP 2019 is to increase the Company’s flexibility and effectiveness in its continuing efforts to attract, motivate and retain talented senior executives and to reward these executives for the performance of the Company.
Under the F&N RSP 2019, the Company grants a base number of conditional share-based awards (“Base Awards”) to eligible participants annually. The Base Awards are conditional upon pre-determined performance targets being met. These targets are set by the RC in its absolute discretion for the pre-determined performance targets to be met over the relevant performance periods. The first grant of Base Awards under the F&N RSP 2019 was made on 28 August 2020. The performance period for the F&N RSP 2019 is one year.
For the F&N RSP 2019, the pre-set targets are based on the achievement of specified
- Total Revenue,
- Profit Before Interest and Tax,
- Attributable Profit Before Fair Value Adjustment and
- Exceptional Items and Return On Capital Employed. RSP
The Base Awards under the F&N RSP 2019 represent the right to receive fully paid ordinary shares, their equivalent cash value or a combination thereof free of charge, provided certain prescribed performance and service conditions are met. Such performance conditions are generally performance indicators that are key drivers of business performance, shareholder value creation and aligned to the Group’s business objectives. The final number of shares to be released will depend on the achievement of the pre-determined targets at the end of the relevant performance periods. If the pre-determined targets are exceeded, more shares than the initial Base Awards can be delivered, subject to a maximum percentage of the Base Awards.
The aggregate number of new ordinary shares allotted and issued and/or to be allotted and issued, when aggregated with existing ordinary shares (including shares held in treasury) delivered and/or to be delivered, pursuant to the F&N RSP 2019, shall not exceed 8% of the total number of issued ordinary shares of the Company (excluding treasury shares and subsidiary holdings) from time to time.
The RC currently does not intend, in any given year, to grant awards under the F&N RSP 2019 which would comprise more than 0.8% of the total number of issued ordinary shares (excluding treasury shares and subsidiary holdings) from time to time (the “Yearly Limit”). However, if the Yearly Limit is not fully utilised in any given year, the balance of the unutilised Yearly Limit may be used by the Company to make grants of awards in subsequent years for the duration of the F&N RSP 2019 and subject to the overall maximum limit of 8%.